Add more pictures to your profile.
Send SMS with text ISIM to 82999 (LMT, Amigo, TELE2, Bite)
Price 1.42 EUR
Your profile will be added to rotation at the top (in first row) for one day.
Send SMS with text NSIM to 82999 (LMT, Amigo, TELE2, Bite)
Price 1.42 EUR
Place your profile in first page.
Send SMS with text PSIM to 82999 (LMT, Amigo, TELE2, Bite)
Price 2.10 EUR
Send SMS with text BSIM to 82999 (LMT, Amigo, TELE2, Bite)
Price 1.42 EUR for one day
Send SMS with text ISIM to 82999 (LMT, Amigo, TELE2, Bite)
Price 1.42 EUR
Your profile will be added to rotation at the top (in first row) for one day.
Send SMS with text NSIM to 82999 (LMT, Amigo, TELE2, Bite)
Price 1.42 EUR
Place your profile in first page.
Send SMS with text PSIM to 82999 (LMT, Amigo, TELE2, Bite)
Price 2.10 EUR
Send SMS with text BSIM to 82999 (LMT, Amigo, TELE2, Bite)
Price 1.42 EUR for one day
Order your code by paying with card using PayPal - IT'S CHEAPER!
Um Ihre Anzeige zu verlängern, schicken Sie eine SMS mit SIM zu 82999 (nür LMT, Amigo, TELE2, Bite) geben Sie den Zugangscode ein und drücken Sie ``verlängern``, SMS kostet 3.20 EUR
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